Most IT Projects Fail? Aral Balkan’s Memo to the CEO

If more than half of IT projects fail, then we’re working in a domain where failure is the norm. What to do about it? In his engaging talk at Flash on the Beach in December 2006, Aral Balkan takes on the fundamental question: how do we reduce the risk involved in software development, or in other words: change happens, how do we deal with it? His advice for responding to change in a low risk manner involves adopting agile development processes, with a special emphasis on extreme programming and user-centered product development. A compelling message indeed…

Listen in:
mp3 sound file
Playing time: about 13 and a half minutes
Language: English


Aral Balkan’s session at Flash on the Beach:

Agile Manifesto:

Aral Balkan article on User Centered Product Development:

Standish Group report on IT project failure:

Aral Balkan article on process:

asunit for unit testing ActionScript:

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