Crash Course in Learning Theory

Crash Course in Learning Theory

Kathy Sierra has summarized what you need to know about Learning Theory today. And you know she’s someone who takes her learning and teaching seriously, because she actually applies the theory to how she...

learn italian from italians podcast

learn italian from italians podcast

The iTunes music store has a great category: courses and lectures. You can learn chemistry, physics, self-defense (?!) and, best of all: italian. 😉 nice short learn-size chunks, taught by native speakers, for...

not a google personal homepage: netvibes

not a google personal homepage: netvibes

At Create your own homepage with feeds, email notifications, photos etc. Nice looking, even if it’s more homemade (not google ;)) Works with Firefox, Safari, Opera, and IE.

web-based bookmarks…

web-based bookmarks…

…that allow you to give access to folders of bookmarks to others. Looks interesting… From MasterMindExplorer (emphasis added): IKeepBookmarks iKeepBookmarks is a web-based bookmark manager that allows users to create accounts and upload, download,...

JOLT: Journal of Online Learning and Training

JOLT: Journal of Online Learning and Training

Merlot publishes a « peer-reviewed, online publication addressing the scholarly use of multimedia resources in education ». It’s available in html or pdf format at, where you can read guidelines for authors as well (JOLT...

Open Source Software Lists

Open Source Software Lists

Lists of open source stuff for mac and windows: via Robin Goode