Auteur : Pauline McNamara

Collapsable menus made in Flash

Collapsable menus made in Flash

I wouldn’t necessarily advocate a menu system made in Flash, but was looking for a recyclable option for a CD/DVD-ROM project and found this one from Easy care, just feed it some XML....

LIFT Conference, Geneva, February 2007

LIFT Conference, Geneva, February 2007

LIFT describes itself as a conference about the challenges and opportunities of technology in our society. I had the good fortune to be at LIFT in February 2007, the conference’s second edition. For this...

3-D web for learning

3-D web for learning

An interesting article from Vicki Davis on the potential of 3-D worlds in education. She’s spent some time in Second Life and says that it’s « not ready for prime time in education ». All the...

Web 2.0 verständlich erklärt

Web 2.0 verständlich erklärt

(photo:Stock.XCHNG / Elena Buetler) Anyone ever asked you, « …but what is Web 2.0? »… a recent episode on Deutschlandfunk’s Wissenschaft und Forschung podcast explains Web 2.0 in a complete, well organized, and interesting way. From...

VSee: audio and video collaboration tool

VSee: audio and video collaboration tool

Robin Goode has reviewed VSee, a collaboration tool using audio, video, file-sharing, application-sharing and other features. His very positive impressions are summed up with: « In short one of the best video conferencing and online...

Tapped In: a web space for teachers

Tapped In: a web space for teachers defines itself as « The online workplace of an international community of education professionals. » As such, it offers a web space where teachers can create virtual spaces, create groups, use a calendar system, exchange...

PHP MVC Frameworks

PHP MVC Frameworks

Got this info on PHP frameworks from Rolf, putting it here for quick access… Symfony: Très avancé, beaucoup de fonctionallités, approche similaire comme RoR (Ruby on Rails). Purement PHP5 avec approche orienté object...