How different students perceive e-Learning ? The case of the Antiquit@s ancient history course.

Complete Reference:
Platteaux, H. & Dasen, V. (2004). How different students perceive e-Learning ? The case of the Antiquit@s ancient history course. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on New Educational Environments – Neuchâtel September 26th-28th. 6 p.

Key Words:
E-Learning, Ancient history, Higher education, Students’ perception

This paper presents results about the perception students have of a blended learning course in ancient history (Swiss Virtual Campus program). The two successive sessions of the course Antiquit@s, given in Fribourg in 2002-2003 and 2003-2004, are compared in order to evaluate how the different compositions of the two groups of students influenced their perception of an e-Learning pedagogical situation. The adaptation to a blended learning environment should not represent a significant obstacle even for less experienced students. But this group is not convinced that such a situation is offering them efficient learning conditions. The reason for this kind of negative feeling appears as being more linked to active learning process than to the use of ICT.

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